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The development of a slide to make computers 1000 times faster

The researchers did not mention the expected date of availability of technology to be commercialized

A team of researchers at the University of "Petersburg Pittsburgh" for their development of an electronic chip that can be used to speed up the electronic devices of frequencies Agheighardz to a range Altarahertz, and this is what may make the computers, phones and computers tablet faster a thousand times. The team said he was able to generate a mixture of frequencies that require division single color of light to a series of regular lines of the spectrum for different uses. Which extends to more than 100 terahertz (or 1 trillion cycles per second). is Professor Hrvoje Petek that such an invention was waiting since a long time. The professor and his team were able to generate all the different types of frequencies visible by exploring the optical properties of crystal silicon and the movements of the atoms of the assembly coherent in the semiconductor of the crystal silicon with a beam of heavy laser. We found that at the outset that the amount reflected from the light oscillate at 15.6 terahertz, which is higher frequency of a mechanical silicon atoms. And then caused the oscillations changes further in the absorption of reflected light which led to a doubling of frequency oscillation fundamental to about seven times, and then the generation mix of frequencies extending to 100 terahertz. According to the study, the team is now exploring the coherence of the fluctuation of electrons, which may be able to increase access to of photochemical reactions of the terahertz to Betahertz is equal to 1 quadrillion hertz. The researchers did not mention the expected date of availability of such technology to be commercialized.

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